Get last aggregate returns the latest aggregate bar for a crypto pair.
Get Trades
Returns an object with recent trades for a crypto pair on an exchange.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
exchange* | string | Unique exchange identifier used by Abyiss. |
market* | string | Unique Crypto Pair identifier used by the exchange. |
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
apiKey* | string | Your Abyiss API Key |
limit | string | Number of results per request. Maximum 50,000. (default 200) |
since | number | Unix Timestamp from where you want the data to start. (Historical Data) |
Copy & Paste Code
Response Object
Example URL:
Response Attributes
Attribute Name | Data Type | Description |
exchange | string | The exchange id the trade occurred on. |
market | string | The crypto pair that was traded. |
trades | array | An array of trades |
id | string | The exchange specific unique id of the trade. |
timestamp | string | The Unix timestamp that trade was executed. |
price | float | The quote currency price of the market. |
size | float | The quantity traded. |
cost | float | The quote cost: (size * price). |
side | string | Whether the trade was a buy or sell. |
Last updated