API Keys - Authentication

Abyiss API Keys and Authentication.

Generating an API Key

Generate an API Key Here

Before being able to make any requests, you must sign up and create an API Key via Abyiss.com. After signing up you will be redirected to your dashboard where you can find your API Key.

The API Key will be randomly generated and provided by Abyiss. Sign up for free here.

API Key Permissions

API Key functionality is restricted by your account plan. Free plans are giving permission to access reference data while premium plans get access to market data.

To learn more about our pricing and plans click here.

Passing Your API Key

You can pass your API Key in the URL Query, Header, or Body of a Request

We recommend passing your API Key within the header of the request, as it provides more security. The Abyiss Client Libraries automatically pass API Keys in the header of every request.

Below is an example of how to pass your API Key in the URL Query:


Below is an example of how to pass your API Key in the Header of a Curl Request:

curl -H "apiKey: API KEY" https://api.abyiss.com/v2/cex/exchanges

Below is an example of how to pass your API Key in the Body of a Curl Request:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"apiKey": "API KEY"}' https://api.abyiss.com/v2/cex/exchanges

Last updated